E. Dimakakos (Greece)
President Elect
C. Campisi (Italy)
Past President
M. Amore (Argentina)
General Secretary
M. Witte (United States of America)
A. Pissas (France)
Advisory Committee
C. Campisi, (Italy) (Chair)
E. Földi, (Germany) (Co-Chair)
C. Papendieck, (Argentina) (Co-Chair)
M. Ohkuma, (Japan) (Co-Chair)
Scientific Council
Y. Dori, (United States of America)
M. Hendrix, (United States of America)
P. Gloviczki, (United States of America)
D. Jackson, (United Kingdom)
T. Ryan, (United Kingdom)
M. Vikkula, (Belgium)
Executive Committee
F. Boccardo, (Italy)
P. Borman, (Türkiye)
P. Bourgeois, (Belgium)
H. Brorson, (Sweden)
S. Daley, (United States of America)
S. Hayes, (Australia)
S. Leong, (United States of America)
N.F. Liu, (China)
S. Michelini, (Italy)
E. Okada, (Japan)
S. Thiadens, (United States of America)
T. Yamamoto, (Japan)
Pınar Borman
Vice President
Figen Ayhan
General Secretary
Seçil Pervane Vural
Ayşegül Yaman, Oya Özdemir
Burcu Duyur Çakıt
Sibel Ünsal Delialioğlu
Ayça Utkan Karasu
Sefa Gümrük Aslan