Abstracts should be sent online, in ENGLISH only, via the website using the abstract system. If you want your abstract to be included as Full Text in the abstract book to be published after the congress, you can make the necessary additions with your abstract from the Full Text tab in the system. Your Full Text should not exceed 1.200 words including References. Abstracts sent via e-mail and post regardless of the system will not be accepted. Since the abstracts sent over the internet will be published in the same way if accepted, attention should be paid to spelling errors.

The presenting author MUST REGISTER by June 1st, 2025. Abstracts of unregistered authors will not be published at the abstract book of the congress.

Abstract Submission Deadline : Sunday 1 June 17:30

Rules for Abstracts

  • Abstracts will be gathered via the online abstract system.
  • Names of the authors must not include their academic titles.
  • Names must be written with only the first letter capitalized, and unabbreviated.
  • The name and address of the institution where the author works must be included.
  • Abstracts headers must be in title case (first letters capitalized only), with the exception of abbreviations.
  • If abbreviations are used in the abstract, the unabbreviated form must be included in parentheses.
  • The objective and material of the project must be briefly stated. Results must be summarized with sufficient numerical data, and conclusions should be explained within the results presented.
  • The abstract must contain the following headers: Objective, Material, Method, Results, Conclusion and Keywords.
  • The abstract, not including the title, author’s name and surname must not exceed 600 words.
  • The abstracts will be collected in poster or oral abstracts format and the related topic category which fits best with your abstract should be selected at the relevant step.
  • Abstracts must be in text format and ONLY one table and one image can be included.

Please note any abstract that does not fit with one of the instructions above will be out of evaluation and rejected.

Important Notices

  • If you will use the online abstract module for the first time, select the “New User” link and register to the system.
  • The explanations at the page after the registration procedure will guide you. Please read the messages and explanations carefully.
  • The abstracts submitted via internet shall be published without any corrections; therefore the authors should be careful about spelling mistakes.
  • Please keep the confirmation mail sent to your e-mail address following the abstract submission.
  • You can track the evaluation process of your abstract over the system by using your e-mail and password.

Abstract Evaluation:

All abstracts and proceedings will be blind reviewed by the Scientific Committee. In order to have an accepted abstract being programmed by the scientific committee, congress registration for the presenting author until August 15th is compulsory. An acceptance letter concerning the abstract evaluation result will be e-mailed to the author.

All accepted abstracts are evaluated by Congress Abstract Evaluation Committee.



  • Abstracts accepted as poster presentations will be published in the proceedings book to be published after the congress.
  • Poster abstract that do not have a poster work will not be published in the Proceedings Book to be published after the congress.
  • The preparation of the poster work will be specified in the acceptance letters to be sent.


  • Abstracts accepted as oral presentations can be prepared using any of the electronic presentation programs.
  • The time allocated for each presentation will be communicated in the acceptance letters.
  • The works of authors who do not submit their abstracts on the specified day and time will be removed from the congress proceedings book, although the abstract has been accepted by the system.